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Antihero - The Astrology of Inauguration Day

Writer's picture: MsFortuneMsFortune

David Lee Roth as a tour guide
Things are sure to get interesting with an uninhibited Trump at the wheel.

The greatest comeback in American politics reaches its zenith today, as President Donald J. Trump is inaugurated for his second term. Love him or hate him (and it’s one or the other; I’ve never met anyone with lukewarm feelings about the man), you would be hard-pressed to deny the effect that he’s had on global politics since getting reelected - all before he's even reached the Oval Office. And, since the sky never lies, the astrology of his second inauguration fully supports the idea that he will continue to bring his unique brand of leadership to the world stage for the duration of his second term. Few men are as uninhibited as a President who no longer worries about getting reelected. So buckle up, friends. The next four years are sure to be a trip with Trump driving the bus.

Trump is a complex man. I’ve dug into his personal astrology quite a bit, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s a highly attuned soul who bit off an absolutely massive mission for himself in this lifetime. He is backed by some serious spiritual staying power. I will catch hell for saying this, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all to learn that he is actually an incarnated ascended master - such is the influence he has had on the world at large. Again, whether you love him or hate him, you simply cannot deny his reach, or the way he polarizes people. Remember, plenty of people hated Jesus during his lifetime. Plenty of people question his legitimacy as the messiah today. Indeed, spiritual literature is positively rife with examples of ascended masters whose contributions to humanity were only realized in hindsight, and only by a select few; as incarnated humans, they manifested as deeply flawed individuals who inspired unconditional love or abject hatred. Trump certainly fits that bill.

He is the very definition of an antihero: the main character of a story, who lacks the qualities generally associated with a hero (i.e., morality, grace, humility), but who nonetheless manages to achieve the necessary objective, accomplishing rather heroic feats in the process. What is the story of which President Trump finds himself the protagonist, you might ask? Well it’s the story of the United States Pluto Return, of course. And how fitting, really, when you think about it. How could the protagonist of that story be anything other than an antihero? The plot line follows the complete and utter destruction of everything that the United States has become during the first two plus centuries of its existence. Every lie unearthed, every corrupt actor exposed, every non viable system dismantled - no stone can be left unturned. Pluto accepts nothing less than total annihilation. He also demands complete authenticity, so let’s be brutally honest: it takes someone who is deeply flawed and knows it to bring about that level of destruction in a constructive way.

And so, the sky says that we are right where we are supposed to be in this ever-unfolding story. The system has been reduced to rubble (Pluto through Capricorn), and the power has been restored to the people (Pluto in Aquarius). The page turns very slowly with Pluto, however. Just when you think you know where his story is heading, there's a plot twist that you never saw coming. More is always revealed.

Against that backdrop, we have four major aspects appearing in the chart of Inauguration Day. Each of these aspects sheds some light on the energies that will be at play throughout Trump's second term. Let's look at each one separately, and take a guess at what each one could mean for the balance of his presidency: 

the head of a bald eagle
In what can only be seen as a huge synchronistic validation, fixed star Altair (a/k/a the Eagle Star) conjoins the Sun/Pluto/Fortuna stellium.

Sun conjunct Pluto, Pars Fortuna, and fixed star Altair (1° Aquarius, applying)  - Inauguration Day lands on the annual Sun/Pluto conjunction, a first for a presidential inauguration, and the first time this conjunction has occurred in the sign of Aquarius since February 17, 1798. You read that right: 1798. It’s at 1° of Aquarius, where Pars Fortuna also sits. Having this line-up can only signify that Trump means business when he says he is going to transform this country, and he has the astrological wind at his back. The Sun/Pluto conjunction confers tremendous power, and the sign placement says that these changes will amount to actual progress for humanity. He will transmute using radical methods (Sun in Aquarius), remorselessly destroying whatever he needs to in order to bring about the best possible future for the collective (Pluto in Aquarius), and he will have luck on his side the whole time (Pars Fortuna). Wielding Plutonian power isn’t without its challenges, of course. Trump will have to contend with immense power struggles and ruthless enemies. But he will rise to those challenges. This according to fixed star Altair, also known as the Eagle Star (you can’t make this shit up), which confers confidence, ambition, courage and generosity. It is also said to aid legal and military advancement.

Moon square Mercury (18° Libra to Capricorn) - Pardon the expression, but fuck your feelings. So says the Moon square Mercury, which will be very close to exact when Trump gets sworn in at midday. This is the tension between polished and harmonized feelings (Moon in Libra) and the no-nonsense delivery of the message (Mercury in Capricorn). Trump says what he says when he says it; and if you don’t like it, too bad. While most people have come to accept his brash nature as part of the overall package, this aspect confirms that he will keep causing Trump Derangement Syndrome to those who are committed to projecting their morality onto him. The legacy media (Mercury in Capricorn) will undoubtedly continue to smear his name, refusing to get on board with his presidency, and remaining biased throughout. People who want balanced reporting (Moon in Libra) of his second term will have to get their news elsewhere, whilst people seeking to bolster their confirmation bias will continue to have plenty to fuel their rage.

Venus conjunct Saturn (16°/17° Pisces, separating) - A clear reflection of his conservative values, Trump actually has this conjunction in his own natal chart (at 23°/25° Cancer, more on that below). Many left-leaning astrologers are positing that this will be the energy that sees him rolling the clock back on women’s rights, but I firmly disagree. That’s far too simple of an interpretation, as it completely ignores all of the context that we already have. The Venus/Saturn conjunction, which is separating (meaning that the issues represented have already peaked in intensity and are now on the decline), is in Pisces. Venus is exalted here, so women are doing just fine. In fact, they are enjoying a renaissance. Saturn in Pisces, on the other hand, has been on clean-up duty for the better part of two years, slowly re-erecting the boundaries that Neptune has obliterated during his fourteen year stay in the sign. Thus, while the presence of this conjunction certainly indicates that conservative values are back en vogue, you have to consider just how far to the left society’s values have swung since Neptune first appeared in Pisces in 2011. Nothing means anything anymore. Every core value we've ever had as Americans has dissolved. Worst of all, absolute truth has been on the chopping block for some time, and Saturn doesn’t like that at all. Therefore, I see this energy manifesting as Trump’s efforts to reestablish the boundaries around our core values generally, and around womanhood more specifically - a definitive end to the encroachments that women have been forced to endure due to rampant, unchecked Piscean delusion. 

Mars Rx conjunct the Imum Coeli (24°/26° Cancer) - Again, other astrologers are interpreting this aspect as evidence of Trump bringing tyrannical energy to his second term, but I think that’s entirely too simple. There’s a lot to unpack with this aspect, and context matters so much with astrology. First off, Mars is retrograde in Cancer, the sign of his fall. He is retreating into a place where he is significantly weakened, and where he is constantly under attack by an emotional mob. Why would Mars do this? Because whatever it is that he has yet to accomplish here is just that important to him, that’s why. It is on par with his home, his family, his very emotional foundation; it quite literally means the world to him. Moreover, Cancer is the natural home of the Imum Coeli, which represents home, family and foundations, but also land and property. Mars making his way back to this point is a strong metaphor: he's coming home to the motherland. Next, in his natal chart, Trump has Mars conjunct his Ascendant. He is Mars, and that Mars position makes him aggressive, but it has also protected him against all manner of attack from his enemies. And finally, the United States has a Cancer Sun. She is the very motherland that Mars is coming back to protect. Taken together, I see this aspect as indicative of his promise to rid the country of foreign invaders, come what may from the effort. I will also note that his natal Venus/Saturn conjunction is at 23°/25° of Cancer, right on top of this Mars Rx/IC conjunction. Thus, there is an extremely strong connection between his conservative value system and his desire to defend the motherland. It all comes from an extremely genuine place of concern.

a blond woman in a red dress against a sea of people in all black
Pluto through Aquarius will divide society into two camps: one hellbent on freedom, and one that prefers to stay distracted.

The tale of Trump’s second bite at the apple will be written before our very eyes. The most important story arc, by far, is the Sun/Pluto conjunction, but don’t underestimate the importance of the other aspects. Elements of these “B”, "C" and "D" stories will imbue the antihero journey with rich and riveting complexity. These next four years mark a time when taking control of our future as a nation becomes imperative. They will expose the secrets that have enslaved humanity, bring massive innovations to the collective, and they will draw a definitive line through American society: those who truly want to be liberated, and those who are so hopelessly inured to the matrix that they opt to self-destruct instead. 

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