Contact Information:
MsFortune Ministries
A Private Ministry of Fifth Element Free Church
By Appointment Only
Please note, all appointment times are based on the eastern timezone.
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Our Mission Statement
MsFortune Ministries believes in the existence of a Higher Power that we often refer to as “God,” but that we admit we can never understand fully. Interpretations of who or what God is are as varied as the souls who believe in Its existence. We believe in the freedom of each individual to decide for him/herself how God shows up in his/her life.
We believe that God speaks to our immortal souls in many ways, including, but not limited to: through our conscience, through our intuition, through our extrasensory gift structures, through other souls with which we come into contact each day, and through events that occur in our immediate environment.
We believe that God is the Creator of all things, and that in Its infinite divinity and wisdom, It created the sky and all of the celestial bodies within the sky. We believe that the sky has its own language, a light language from God.
We strive to interpret that language in a way that gives meaning to our lives while our souls are here on Earth. We strive to align ourselves with God’s will for our lives, using any and all beneficial methods at our disposal, from all cultures, and across all time periods.