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Soul Purpose Analysis

1 h
175 US dollars
via Zoom

Service Description

This session examines the energy around your soul's specific reason(s) for incarnating in this life. Using an in-depth analysis of your Lunar Nodes, and all relevant planetary placements, we will narrow down the karmic past and future, analyze natal retrograde planets, and review other markers of soul age and maturity. We will also discuss specific action items for you to take going forward, to ensure that you are fully aligned on the path towards your highest and greatest good. The goal of this session is to give you clarity around your karma and spiritual purpose. Date, place, and time of birth are necessary to guarantee accuracy.

Cancellation Policy

Any money remitted to the Ministry is a non-refundable donation. If I am unable to attend a service appointment that has been reserved by my donation, it is my responsibility to communicate my conflict to the Ministry within a reasonable amount of time, not less than 72 hours prior to the date of the appointment. I understand that the Ministry will not accommodate my conflict if it is communicated less than 72 hours prior to the start of the appointment; and that conflicts communicated more 72 hours prior to the start of the appointment may be accommodated by the Ministry, at the Ministry’s sole discretion.  Please email if you need to reschedule your appointment.

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