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Star Tracks - Weekly Horoscope for the Week of February 3, 2025

Writer's picture: MsFortuneMsFortune

A necklace made of blue evil eye beads

A relatively quiet week that sees another giant awaken from a months-long slumber - this is your weekly horoscope for the week of February 3, 2025! We are deep into Aquarius season now, and everyone (in the northern hemisphere, anyway) is feeling the cold. This week, Jupiter, our Greater Benefic, finally turns direct from his perch in the middle of Gemini, Venus is still on the move (but not for long), and we experience the Sun/Mercury cazimi this weekend. Oh yea, and the malefics meet up this weekend, too! The Moon is waxing towards full. She starts her week in Aries but quickly heads into Taurus Monday night. Thursday sees her early entry into Gemini, and she finishes the weekend in home sign Cancer after arriving there Saturday morning. 

Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.

Monday, February 3, 2025 - Mercury trine Jupiter Rx (11° Aquarius to Gemini)

We start the week on a lovely note with Mercury forming a trine to Jupiter Rx, Jupiter’s last aspect before turning direct tomorrow morning. This energy brings optimism and good news, and is great for any type of planning that you need to do. Your thoughts are future-oriented, your instincts are good and your outlook is positive. It’s also a great time to organize. All manner of business dealings benefit from the energy. Whether you are negotiating or signing a contract, setting up a budget or handling legal matters, all should flow smoothly. Luck is on your side today, so make it count!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 - Venus enters Aries (2:57 a.m.) and Jupiter turns direct at 11° Gemini (4:40 a.m.)

Massive shifts occurred overnight, as Venus entered Aries and Jupiter turned direct after a long snooze. First up, Venus. Our planet of love doesn’t do terribly well in Aries. It’s considered a detrimental sign for her, largely because Venus loves to relate, while Aries prefers to go at things alone. Venus is charming and collaborative, while Aries headbutts its way through life. Nevertheless, Venus will have a twisted trip through Aries, turning retrograde here in less than a month’s time. Between now and March 1st, she will slow to a crawl in a sign where she’s already quite tired. Expect relationships and money matters to be wonky for a while. On the other hand, Jupiter’s direct turn signals an end to delayed progress in the Gemini sector of your chart, which should be a welcome turn of events. Jupiter in Gemini has all the choices he could ever want - too many, some might say - but his retrograde gave us pause and helped us to narrow down only those choices that are truly viable. With this information in-hand, we can slowly start to move forward and finish up our Jupiter in Gemini lessons. He’s here for four more months, heading to the sign of his exaltation, Cancer, in June. 

Friday, February 7, 2025 - Venus sextile Pluto (2° Aries to Aquarius)

A sextile to Pluto infuses Venus with tremendous power. It is intense and transformative energy that compels us to experience love at a much deeper level than we are used to. You may become absolutely consumed by Venus issues at this time, so tread carefully in any newer relationships, or if money is tight. Pluto, even in soft aspect, easily pushes Venus towards obsession and compulsion. There’s a fine line between sultry and stalker. Secret relationships, such as affairs or ones based on kink and fetish, often begin (and tend to thrive) under these stars. Simply put, superficiality in love will not suffice during this time. There is a sense that nothing short of profound spiritual connection will satisfy our needs. This is the first of three Venus/Pluto sextiles, due to her impending retrograde. The second and third installments will occur on March 21st and May 6th, respectively.

Sunday, February 9, 2025 - Sun conjunct Mercury (21° Aquarius) and Mars Rx/Moon trine Saturn (18° Cancer to Pisces)

We reach the mid-point of the Sun/Mercury synodic cycle, as they come together for a superior conjunction in the third decan of Aquarius. Our mental faculties are firing on all cylinders today: this aspect brings curiosity, mental alertness and quick thinking. You will feel extremely busy with communications of all sorts, even if it isn’t a particularly packed day. Regardless of what’s actually going on, Sun conjunct Mercury brings a general feeling that everyone wants a piece of you; but do stay on the lookout for a message of some sort, as this aspect usually drops some key piece of knowledge right into our lap. Mars Rx and the Moon also meet up in Cancer today, and collectively form a trine to Saturn. Thankfully the trine is an aspect of ease, because this is an emotionally spicy combo. It feels a lot like getting something done - something that you’ve maybe been putting off, because your emotional connection to the situation isn’t completely sorted. There’s anger and resentment that’s built up, possibly over a long period of time. That can certainly change today; use this trine to create the turning point for yourself.


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Venus, our planet of love, money and relating, quietly slipped into her pre-retrograde shadow last week, kicking off a months-long cycle that will call on us to recalibrate our value system. Not to be outdone, Mercury, our planet of thoughts, communication and transportation, will kick off his own retrograde cycle in just over a month - and here's the best part: they will retrograde at the same time, over the same degree range between Aries and Pisces! These overlapping retrogrades involve all of the outer planets, the nodes, AND just for good measure, Saturn will retrograde over the same degrees later in the year. Curious to know what all of this means for you? I got you covered! Order my personalized astrology report, Dialogue, today, and let's get the conversation started!

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