Aquarius season is off to an intense start! Here’s your weekly horoscope for the week of January 20, 2025: The Sun has been applying to a conjunction with Pluto ever since it arrived in Aquarius on the afternoon of the 19th. That energy builds through Monday, Inauguration Day, and peaks on Tuesday. It will then wane in the background for a few more days. The balance of this week sees the personal planets, Mercury, Venus, and a still-retrograde Mars pinging off of each other. They’ll also tag some of the outer planets, making for an interesting weekend. The Moon is waning towards her new phase. She starts the week bringing balance to Libra, before plunging into the depths of Scorpio Tuesday morning. Thursday evening sees her riding into Sagittarius, where she spends a good chunk of the weekend. La Luna moves into Capricorn Sunday morning.
Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - Sun conjunct Pluto (1° Aquarius)
The Sun makes its annual conjunction to Pluto today, the first of many to come in the sign of Aquarius. As the Sun shines its unrelenting light into the depths of the underworld, we are getting a glimpse into what Pluto’s twenty-year transit through the collective Eleventh House will look like - the good, the bad, and the dead. On a more personal note, Sun conjunct Pluto infuses the energetic landscape with tremendous intensity. You may be feeling ten feet tall and bulletproof now. And that’s wonderful; feel free to use that energy however it suits you, so long as it’s constructive. Did you hear that last part? Emphasis on CONSTRUCTIVE. Why the emphasis? Well, because Pluto’s energy is destructive by nature, so there will be a whole bunch of people out there with their shadows on full display right now. And because they care nothing for astrology, and are completely ignorant of their own shadow nature, they’ll have no idea that they’re acting from a power hungry, manipulative, and controlling place. If you have the pleasure of encountering one of these cretins today, do not engage. Seriously, don’t bother. They can’t see their own bullshit, so it’s pointless. Just offer up some gratitude for the fact that you’re acting from a more conscious place, and go fuck some shit up. Constructively.
Thursday, January 23, 2025 - Mars Rx sextile Uranus Rx (23° Cancer to Taurus); Mercury opposite Mars Rx (23° Capricorn to Cancer); Mercury trine Uranus Rx (23° Capricorn to Taurus)
A proper clusterfuck today, with Mars Rx, Mercury, and Uranus Rx all tagging each other from their respective positions around the zodiac wheel. Mercury’s opposition to Mars Rx suggests a return to an old argument - one that is fraught with emotion, really hits you in a vulnerable place, and that has generated many, many grudges. It’s sad, it makes you nostalgic for the past, it involves hurt feelings, and it just needs to be put to bed already. By itself, this opposition would be enough to ruin the whole day; but, mercifully, it’s not by itself. Enter Uranus Rx, who has something to say to both of these feuding fellas. And for once, he’s actually sending some positive vibes to the equation! You have a very real chance to innovate your way out of this stalemate now, thanks to Uranus Rx’s influence on the situation. You know the saying, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting a different result? Think outside the box, push for the more unconventional option, or simply suggest the craziest possible solution you can imagine. It just might work, this time.
Saturday, January 25, 2025 - Venus trine Mars Rx (22° Pisces to Cancer)
The lovers, Venus and Mars Rx, send love notes to each other across the water element today. Our sexual planets exchange energies frequently, but the trine is one of the best exchanges they can have. Generally speaking, Venus helps us to define our desires, and Mars assists us in going after those desires. Thus, when they are forming an easy angle to each other, we experience a day when what we want seems to fall right into our lap. Venus is the stronger of the two partners currently - she’s exalted in Pisces, and still operating at full speed. She will be going retrograde soon; but for now, she’s still doing ok. Mars Rx, on the other hand, is sound asleep in the sign of his fall, so he’s not really a ton of help. This is a trine though, so he’s not hurting anything either. That thing that you’ve zeroed in on, that thing that you really, really want, can absolutely be yours. Stay unattached to the “how”, though. Mars Rx in Cancer has very strange (read: passive aggressive) methods for obtaining things… So don’t get too caught up in what it looks like. Just let him cook.
Sunday, January 26, 2025 - Mercury sextile Neptune (27° Capricorn to Pisces); Venus sextile Uranus Rx (23° Pisces to Taurus)
A pair of sextiles makes for a dynamic day. Sextiles are easy angles that allow two planets to really bring out the best in each other, but they do require some effort. Things can fall into place pretty easily with a sextile, so long as you are willing to grease the wheels a little bit. First up, we have Mercury sextile Neptune, which brings compassionate and creative energy to the day. This aspect is great for conversations that require a gentle touch, ones where you may have to intuit the back and forth, rather than going in with a plan of attack. Neptune puts a healing, spiritual spin on Mercury’s words, which are sure to be well received if they come from a genuine, empathetic place. Next up are Venus and Uranus Rx, who will infuse the day with stimulating energy. Fun and excitement in your social life could manifest now, as could some financial windfall. Meeting someone under this aspect is sure to get your blood pumping. Don’t book a venue just yet, though. Uranian connections are exciting, but fleeting. Overall it’s a great day for socializing and/or artistic pursuits. Sunday Funday, indeed!

My January calendar is almost completely filled up, thanks to all of the people who have booked my two year ahead readings! They are still available for the rest of the month, but I don't have too many spots left. Check out my 2025 Year Ahead Astrology reading here, where we take all of the massive shifts that are coming our way this year and apply them to your unique chart. Or, if you'd prefer the cards to tell you what's coming up, book your Year Ahead Astro-Tarot reading here - use coupon code YEARAHEAD to get $25 off!