The first full week of January and the sky isn’t holding back! Here is your weekly horoscope for the week of January 6, 2025. We have two planets changing signs, and Neptune has something to say to both of them. We will also experience the first of 2025’s many massive energetic shifts over the weekend, as the Lunar Nodes change signs. Holy KARMA Batman! For the next year and a half, our collective soul missions turn in the direction of Pisces, and away from Virgo. More on that below. The Moon starts the week in Aries before moving into the sign of her exaltation, Taurus, on Tuesday. She flies into Gemini Thursday night, and ends the week swimming through home sign Cancer, starting Saturday evening.
Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.
Monday, January 6, 2025 - Mars Rx enters Cancer (5:44 a.m.); Mercury square Neptune (27 Sagittarius to Pisces)
Mars’ biennial retrograde sees him moving back into Cancer today, the sign of his fall. You thought cranky Mars was done bringing the funk? WRONG. We’ve got several more months of his crap ahead of us. Mars in Cancer is an angry, negative, emotionally unpredictable Mars. Cancer is the seat of the emotional body - the first of the three water signs. As such, the emotional/intuitive energy Mars encounters here is rather instinctual and primitive. He can certainly feel his way through a situation; but being a malefic planet, he’s going to pick up on all of the negative emotions first. It’s a difficult transit, all-around. Mars’ retrograde cycle is trying to recalibrate the way we go after the things that we want; his backtrack through Leo taught us that it isn’t all about us, and his trip back in (and eventually out) of Cancer will dig into the root traumas that make us think that it is all about us. It’s not terribly pleasant stuff, but the universe has decided that it’s necessary. Ho hum. Mercury also forms a square to Neptune today, his first major aspect since clearing his retrograde shadow. Having busted his ass recalibrating our belief systems, Mercury is immediately challenged with a recurring delusion. Did you learn your Mercury retrograde lesson? We’re gonna find out today!
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - Mercury enters Capricorn (5:30 a.m.)
Fresh off his dance with Neptune, Mercury finally leaves behind his extended trek through Sagittarius, entering Capricorn early this morning. As with all planets that travel through Capricorn, Mercury is all business in this sign. There are absolutely no frills to this transit. Mercury in Capricorn is straightforward, pragmatic, and extremely realistic. There will be no rose-colored glasses, and absolutely no wasting time. He is genuinely unbothered by what other people think of him here; he is solely focused on achieving his goals. Capricorn Mercury is a trustworthy Mercury. He loses a lot of his trickster energy during this transit, which can be off putting to people who are more used to the playful energy Mercury is known to possess. There’s no time for fun and games, however, at least not for the next little while. This transit is brief - Mercury heads into Aquarius on the 27th of January.
Saturday, January 11, 2025 - Lunar Nodes shift to Virgo/Pisces Axis (6:01 p.m.)
The Lunar Nodes switch signs today, moving from the Aries/Libra Axis of Relating, where they’ve been since July 17, 2023, to the Virgo/Pisces Axis of Service, where they will travel until April 28, 2026. The Lunar Nodes are points, not planets. They are mathematically calculated averages that show us where the eclipse patterns will play out over the next year and a half. So, astronomically speaking, there’s nothing particularly sexy about the Nodes. However, astrologically, the Nodes are one of the most spiritually significant points in the natal chart, because they show us the very path that your soul has chosen to walk in this lifetime. No big deal. The South Node, which will move into Virgo today, speaks to the karmic past that we are trying to reconcile; the North Node, which will be in Pisces from here on out, speaks to the karmic future that we are trying to reach. Generally speaking, relying on the energy of the South Node keeps us stuck in karmic holding patterns, while embracing the energy of the sign where the North Node sits moves us forward towards our highest and greatest potential. The shift of the transiting Nodes is going to look different for everyone, but the themes will be consistently this: move away from Virgo (think: time-wasting habits, overly critical opinions, hypochondria, etc.) and towards Pisces (think: nurturing creativity, letting shit go, having more compassion, etc.). For the next 16 months, it’s about taking a more transpersonal and collective approach to service - visualize the dream.
Sunday, January 12, 2025 - Mars Rx trine Neptune (27° Cancer to Pisces)
Mars Rx makes his second of three trines to Neptune during this retrograde cycle today - his first was on October 28th, and the third will be on April 19th. Between two water signs and the God of the Sea, Mars is basically drowning in this energy right now. Luckily it’s a trine, so the consequences of his perilous predicament are inconsequential. Mars is being softened, significantly, by Neptune. Usually the ambassador for our energetic output, Mars won’t be giving us the motivation to do much now. He can’t mount any type of defense against Neptune’s deleterious influence. Any aggression we might otherwise be feeling simply won’t materialize; but courage, fortified by spirit, will be available in abundance. This is the ultimate “kill ‘em with kindness” transit. Creative pursuits, especially those that require movement, are the best use of this energy. It’s also highly romantic; if you missed your first window back in October, now would be a great time to take a second bite at the apple. Enjoy!
The Lunar Nodes are moving into the Virgo/Pisces Axis of Service, shifting our collective focus from themes of order, to themes of absolute chaos. Pisces is the karmic path forward for the next 16 months. That's right, the most mysterious and intangible sign of the Zodiac is where we're all heading! It's a difficult energy to navigate, for sure, but navigate it we must. In this report, you will receive information about the Lunar Nodes, what it means to have them shift into this axis, what houses are affected in your chart, and what lessons are coming your way as a result. You will receive pointed advice on how best to maximize the transit, and you will also receive an astro-tarot card pull for both Virgo and Pisces. Reports are $60, and will be delivered to the email used at checkout. Turn around time is 48-72 hours. Order your personalized report here!